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H.L Rick Cromartie the third

Year: 2015

Detecting nursing home abuse or neglect, and then taking action

This is the time of year when families are visiting and enjoying each other's company. For many Georgia residents, that means a visit to a nursing home facility where an elderly relative may be living. These family visits are no doubt the highlight of the year for...

Can advanced technology help with federal trucking regulations?

It should come as no surprise for our Georgia readers that truck drivers are subject to quite a few federal trucking regulations. These regulations include provisions for how often truck drivers are allowed to operate their vehicles, how often those vehicles must pass...

Can a Georgia sleepy driver be a negligent driver?

These days, there are all sorts of distractions that drivers on the roads of North Georgia need to avoid. From fumbling with various music and entertainment options to the constant notifications on cellphones, drivers are increasingly putting themselves at risk, if...

Proving cellphone use to show a Georgian negligent driver

Car accidents happen for a wide variety of reasons, but there is one reason that is getting more attention nowadays than ever before: distracted driving. And, probably the most common reason people can get distracted behind the wheel comes down to one modern...

How does a motorcycle accident differ from a car accident?

To most Georgia residents, a personal injury lawsuit is a chance to recover compensation for medical expenses that accumulate due to serious injuries caused by a negligent party. There can, of course, be other damages involved, such as pain and suffering and lost...

How can families avoid medication errors by a nursing home?

Thousands of Georgia residents rely on nursing homes to care for elderly loved ones. In many situations, family members simply do not have the necessary medical skills to care for aging loved ones, and the best thing for the loved one's health and quality of life is...

Tips for spotting drunk drivers in Georgia

Most Georgians actively look to avoid any potentially dangerous situations. In terms of driving in Georgia, the term "defensive driving" is often used to describe how a person should be ever vigilant to avoid being involved in a car accident. But, do our readers know...

Is Georgia’s I-285 the deadliest highway for car accidents?

Many North Georgia residents commute in and around Atlanta on a daily basis. The Atlanta area, a major metropolitan sprawl, is no stranger to car accidents, many of them deadly. But, are Georgia residents putting themselves in a more dangerous situation than they even...

Do regulations require Georgia truck drivers get drug tested?

Many of our North Georgia readers know that millions of employees throughout America are subject to random drug testing, from fast-food workers to police officers to professional athletes. Why is this practice so prevalent? It is actually quite simple -- most...

Concussion suffered in a Georgia car accident are brain injuries

There was a time when suffering a concussion was not seen as a terribly dangerous health issue. In many cases, the Georgian was said to have had their "bell rung," or some other nonchalant idiom. Perhaps, they were even just recommended to took an aspirin. But, as...

