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DUI suspect linked to additional hit-and-run incident

On Behalf of | Sep 24, 2012 | Car accidents

With thousands of drivers on Georgia’s roads, car accidents have become an increasing threat. Innocent people are injured or killed by gross negligence and carelessness on the part of other drivers. In these instances, particularly when the collision involves use of drugs or alcohol, victims could stand to seek compensation.

A 37-year-old Georgia woman responsible for a serious head-on collision at Highway 316 and Highway 29 is now facing additional charges as she is thought to be responsible for a hit-and-run accident at the traffic light at Highway 316 and Highway 20 on Aug. 20 in Lawrenceville, Georgia.

According to the victim of the hit-and-run, the woman appeared to be sleeping at the wheel when the incident occurred but promptly woke up, struck his vehicle again and fled the scene of the accident. Police now believe that the woman was abusing the powerful sedative propofol, which she is accused of stealing from her workplace at a medical facility.

In the wrong-way crash at Highway 316 and Highway 29, five college students were seriously injured and transported to a nearby hospital for treatment. Three of the five students remain hospitalized weeks after the collision.

In cases of recklessness and blatant disregard, such as this scenario, accident victims can explore compensation options for their medical expenses, as well as pain and suffering. Victims of car accidents should be fully aware of their full legal rights under the law as well as various parties from which they may be able to receive compensation.

Sources:, “Woman accused of causing wrong-way crash suspected in hit-and-run,” Kerry Kavanaugh, Sept. 14, 2012

