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Football player injured in motorcycle accident begins long recovery

On Behalf of | Oct 12, 2012 | Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle accidents are so often catastrophic because motorcycles have a much smaller profile. Drivers must take extra care when making turns or crossing intersections to ensure they are not endangering motorcyclists, pedestrians or other parties on Georgia roads. Injuries commonly sustained in a motorcycle accident range from minor scrapes to severe limb, spinal or leg injuries, and even death.

An accident late last month left a former Gwinnett County football player with severe injuries after a sports utility vehicle pulled out in front of his motorcycle. The accident occurred on Highway 20 near the intersection of the highway and Gravel Springs Road.

The 21-year-old male motorcyclist sustained a severed spine and many broken bones as a result of the accident. Initial reports indicate he may be paralyzed from the waist down due to the spinal injury. The motorcyclist, who played for the Air Force Academy, and was a star player at Buford High School has had multiple surgeries to correct damage from the accident and was placed on a respirator.

The long-term care costs associated with such an injury are enough to overwhelm most families. Those close to the victim and his family have set up donation websites in an effort to collect money that will provide a vehicle to transport the victim and help pay for some of the staggering medical bills. Understanding the many laws and guidelines that regulate auto and motorcycle accidents can also help those injured begin the process of recovering from the costs of such unexpected expenses.

Source: The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, “Ex-Gwinnett football player hurt in crash faces long rehab,” David Ibata, Oct. 3, 2012

