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Parents sue acne med manufacturer over son’s suicide

On Behalf of | Jan 22, 2014 | Wrongful Death

Georgia residents may be interested in a lawsuit that has being filed against the makers of a prescription acne medication. The parents of a teenage boy who took his own life are claiming that Allergan and Amerisource Bergen are liable for the boy’s death. According to the wrongful death claim, ingredients in the topical medication known as Aczone resulted in the boy developing severe depression and suicidal thoughts.

Before killing himself with a handgun on Nov. 2, 2011, the boy had used Aczone for several months. Although he had been ordered to stop using the topical treatment 13 days before his suicide, the parents say that Aczone triggered severe mood changes in their son that continued past the treatment period. According to the lawsuit, the boy first described having strong suicidal thoughts on Aug. 26 after he had been exposed to the drug for two months.

The parents of the deceased boy are seeking damages for misleading labeling, improper marketing, breach of warranty and fraud. The complaint alleges that Allergan and Amerisource Bergen knowingly withheld information about adverse psychiatric drug reactions to Aczone from the FDA and consumers. During clinical trials of Aczone, the complaint says that there were several serious psychiatric events that occurred in patients, including one suicide attempt.

If the maker of a prescription medication fails to list all of the possible side effects of the drug on a warning label, they could be held liable for adverse events that take place. After someone is killed as a result of an insufficient warning, the deceased victim’s family members may choose to file a wrongful death claim against the drug manufacturer. Evidence from clinical trials and other sources may be used to help prove the manufacturer’s liability for the death.

Source: Courthouse News, “Family Says Acne Medication Caused Suicide”, Kevin Koeninger, January 20, 2014

