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Georgia deputy killed in car accident involving semi truck

On Behalf of | May 28, 2014 | Truck Accidents

Police officers face certain risks every day on the job.  For law enforcement personnel who are dealing with traffic violations, the threat of injury can be significantly increased. A recent car accident involving a police cruiser and a semi truck highlights some of the dangers of police work.

The car accident happened on Interstate 85. According to the Georgia State Patrol, a 26-year-old Franklin County sheriff’s deputy was on patrol when he tried to catch a driver for a traffic violation. Authorities believe that a semi truck suddenly moved into the path of the deputy, forcing his cruiser onto the grass median. The deputy lost control of the cruiser, which went across both of the northbound lanes before crashing into some trees.

The deputy, who worked for both Franklin County and Jackson County, was killed in the accident.

At the time of a news report, the driver of the semi truck had not been identified.

The deceased deputy, who was the son of the Franklin County sheriff, leaves behind an 8-month-old daughter. There was no word as to how the family would account for the deputy’s final expenses or other financial costs resulting from the crash.

Law enforcement officers from throughout Georgia reportedly paid tribute on the day of the deputy’s funeral.

Many questions have to be answered in the aftermath of such a crash. If another driver’s negligence played a part, then grieving family members should seek proper legal counsel in handling the matter. An in-depth investigation may also provide answers to family members wondering how and why their loved one was taken from them.

Source: Atlanta Journal-Constitution, “Wreck kills NE Georgia deputy, son of sheriff,” Alexis Stevens, May 22, 2014

Source: 92.1 WLHR, “Hundreds of Law Enforcement Attend Funeral for Officer Cruz Thomas,” MJ Kneiser, May 25, 2014

