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H.L Rick Cromartie the third

A truly stinky accident in northern Georgia

On Behalf of | Oct 10, 2014 | Car accidents

Vehicular accidents have become a normal part of daily life in the United States. While many are minor inconveniences, some car accidents, like days, are worse than others, and like a bad day, some car accidents can make a person wish he or she had never gotten out of the bed that day.

Drivers and pedestrians in north Georgia were treated to a unique sight during their morning commute after a tractor-trailer struck a mini-van. The driver of the tractor-trailer reported that his brakes gave out as he was approaching a red light. Rather then hit the stopped cars in front of him, the driver made a right turn, avoiding the cars but tipping the trailer over on its side in the process. Unfortunately for one van and its driver, the trailer was full of trash. While both drivers only suffered minor injuries, the driver of the van had to be removed from the vehicle via the passenger door.

One of the unique parts of civil litigation is the number of things for which one can be compensated. Physical damage to one’s vehicle is an obvious injury, but compensation can also be granted for the injuries that are more emotional or abstract in nature, such as, perhaps, the mental stress of having one’s car filled with garbage.

Civil cases won’t always be the perfect fix for every situation. Sometimes even money will never make the victim whole, and she may never forget the day her car was filled with garage as she sat inside.

Source: Cherokee-Tribune, “Tractor-trailer spills garbage on Union Hill Road,” Jessicah Peters, September 26, 2014

