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H.L Rick Cromartie the third

Facing the challenges of a hit and run case

On Behalf of | Jul 31, 2015 | Car accidents

Many Georgia residents have been in a car accident before. For most, it was a simple fender bender, perhaps with some minor damage to their car, but no injuries. But, there are some people who aren’t as fortunate, and they are involved in car accidents that involve major damage and significant injuries. One of the most concerning types of car accidents that involve these factors is a hit and run accident.

A hit and run accident will usually lead to all types of problems for the negligent driver, both civil and criminal — if the driver is caught. In some of these types of cases, there are witnesses who can provide police officers with a description of the negligent driver’s vehicle, or, if they are really lucky, a license plate number. However, in some cases there is next to no information to go on.

Obviously, if the negligent driver is never caught, there is no chance to pursue a civil personal injury lawsuit against that individual to recover compensation. In these types of situations, the injured party may need to file a claim with his or her own insurance company. This can lead to problems, however, because an insurance company may request a significant amount of evidence to support the claim.

At our law firm, we have seen cases involving hit and runs, and we attempt to help our clients work through their options, whether the negligent driver is caught or not. Many of the victims in hit and run cases have medical bills piling up, and they are looking for the right option to pursue financial compensation from a situation that was not their fault. Those who find themselves in this type of situation may want to visit the hit and run section of our website to learn more.

