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Fighting back against Georgia nursing home neglect

On Behalf of | Aug 19, 2015 | Nursing Home Neglect

Many Georgians live out the last few months or years of their lives as residents of a nursing home or assisted-living center. Most of these facilities are staffed by wonderfully caring and helpful people, who do everything in their power to make sure that the elderly residents are treated with respect and courtesy. However, it is impossible to deny that there are some cases of elder abuse and nursing home neglect that occur in some of these types of facilities.

Finding out that a loved one has suffered an injury or some other types of abuse, while residing at a nursing home, can be a shock for family members. After all, it is almost always the resident’s family members who are instrumental in choosing where the elderly family member will stay. As a result, in many cases of abuse or neglect, the family members are not only feeling the anger they direct at the nursing home, but also the guilt of being the one who choose that location.

Nonetheless, that feeling of guilt is unfounded. There is never a reason that would justify abuse or neglect on the part of the nursing home staff. These individuals are held to a reasonable standard of care, and they should be held accountable when they fail to meet this standard.

At our law firm, we understand the range of emotions that can be connected to so personal a problem as nursing home neglect or abuse. We attempt to work with our clients, and their family members to make sure that the liable parties are held accountable. For more information on our firm’s approach to nursing home abuse and neglect cases, please visit our website.

