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Tips for spotting drunk drivers in Georgia

On Behalf of | Nov 18, 2015 | Car accidents

Most Georgians actively look to avoid any potentially dangerous situations. In terms of driving in Georgia, the term “defensive driving” is often used to describe how a person should be ever vigilant to avoid being involved in a car accident. But, do our readers know how to spot one of the greatest dangers on the road: drunk drivers?

The well-known organization Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) does its best to educate the public on the dangers of drunk driving. Recently, MADD released a list of items that drivers should be on the lookout for when potentially encountering drunk drivers. These driving behaviors may indicate that a person is under the influence of alcohol, while behind the wheel.

First, sudden changes of speed should be noted — either acceleration or deceleration. Next, weaving or following other cars too closely can be an indicator of a drunk driver. Signaling a turn when no such turn takes place, failure to use headlights at night and near-collisions with curbs or other vehicles — all of these can be signs of a drunk driver.

It is in the interest of other drivers to avoid people who are observed to be engaged in these behaviors. In addition, it may be advisable to report the driver to the appropriate law enforcement authorities.

Sadly, we all know by now that it is not always possible to spot and avoid drunk drivers on the roadways of Georgia. Anyone who has been injured in a car accident caused by a drunk driver may be able to pursue compensation in a personal injury lawsuit.

Source:, “How to Spot a Drunk Driver,” accessed on Nov. 14, 2015

