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H.L Rick Cromartie the third

The cost of car accidents in Georgia

On Behalf of | Feb 3, 2016 | Car accidents

It can be hard for Georgia residents to imagine what it is like to be involved in a serious car accident, or even to lose a loved one in such a crash. Car accidents are common, but most of them are the run-of-the-mill “fender bender” type of accidents. However, car accidents are still one of the leading causes of death and injury in the United States, and Georgia is not immune to the associated costs.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Georgia sees an estimated yearly cost of about $1.63 billion from car accidents that occur in the state. That overall figure includes approximately $14 million in medical costs and a whopping $1.61 billion in work loss costs. In Georgia, children, teens and older adults make up only about 19 percent of these costs; the rest is due to car accidents involving those between the ages of 20 and 64.

Interestingly enough, the CDC also breaks down into categories the method of travel of those involved in these motor vehicle crashes in Georgia — those in vehicles, pedestrians, motorcyclists and bicyclists. Motor vehicle occupants made up the largest percentage of the costs, coming in at 22 percent, followed by pedestrians at 18 percent, motorcyclists at nine percent and lastly with bicyclists at three percent.

These statistics can paint a sad picture about the overall costs of car accidents that occur in Georgia. But, for those individuals and families who are injured in these accidents, or who lose a loved one due to a car accident, those victims aren’t just some statistics tracked by the federal government. Car accident victims are real people who face significant medical expenses and, in many cases, a long road toward recovery. These victims, and the families of those who lose a loved one in a car accident, may have to pursue a personal injury lawsuit in order to attempt to receive compensation for their own, personal costs.

Source:, “Motor Vehicle Crash Deaths: Costly but Preventable,” Accessed Jan. 29, 2016

