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CMS ratings for nursing homes

On Behalf of | Dec 20, 2016 | nursing home abuse and neglect

If you have an elderly relative who needs care beyond what you are able to provide in home, you are not alone. Many Georgia residents face this situation every day. While it can be a difficult and emotional decision to choose to move a parent or other loved one into a care facility, it is often in their best interest. However, that decision can be made much harder and even more emotional when concerns about abuse or neglect arise.

Just how can you know you are selecting a nursing home where your relative will be safe and properly treated? There may be no fool-proof way of doing this but the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services may be able to offer you some help here. When evaluating potential nursing homes, you can check the ratings from the CMS. The organization uses a five-star system that identifies level of quality with one star being the lowest quality and five stars representing the highest quality.

In addition to the overall star rating, each nursing home also receives individual ratings for three other areas. One is the number of staffed nursing hours per resident and another is based on a three-year span of health inspections. In addition, 11 unique quality measures covering both clinical and physical criteria are evaluated.

If you would like to learn more about selecting and reviewing nursing homes for your elderly loved one, please feel free to visit the elder care page of our Georgia nursing home abuse and personal injury website.

