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How dangerous is fog with respect to road conditions?

On Behalf of | Mar 9, 2018 | Car accidents

From heavy snow to those who make the decision to drive while intoxicated, there are all sorts of threats that drivers face on the road. However, fog can be especially dangerous, and some drivers do not recognize how risky it can be to drive while visibility is low. Sometimes, people take to the road when it is foggy because they have to take care of responsibilities in the morning or return home after work. Sadly, many people in this position have lost their lives or suffered devastating injuries in accidents.

The Federal Highway Administration reports that between 2005 and 2014, fog caused more than 28,000 traffic collisions in an average year. Moreover, 495 people passed away and over 10,000 sustained injuries as a result of accidents caused by fog in the same time period. Because it is so risky to drive while it is foggy, drivers should be particularly vigilant if they do decide to operate a vehicle during these conditions. Sadly, not everyone pays attention to the risks associated with driving while weather conditions are poor.

Regrettably, fog and other weather hazards can leave even the most responsible drivers with serious injuries and other crash-related consequences. For example, someone may drive slow and carefully because visibility is poor or roads are slick, but they could be struck by another driver who shows no regard for the dangers on the road. When such an accident occurs, the victim and those close to them should look over different options that might aid in their path to recovery.

