Federal law requires most employers in Georgia to carry workers’ compensation insurance. Because of this, you may not need to engage in lengthy negotiations or go to trial over an accident at work. However, it is important to take serious injuries on a case-by-case basis.
Workers compensation laws are there to try to protect you. They were originally intended as a way to help you as an individual worker injured on the job. It should protect your rights against large, powerful entities, such as your employer. Unfortunately, some employers see coverage as an option rather than a requirement. In these cases, you may need to take further measures in order to get the compensation you need to put your life back together.
Some injuries could be avoided. Safety and Health Magazine offers quite a few examples of this in its article on OSHA violations. Some of the biggest safety issues from 2018 included:
- Lack of fall protection
- Scaffolding issues
- Ladder safety
- Inadequate eye and face protection
- Machine guarding
Any one of these safety violations at your workplace could result in tragedy. Unfortunately, businesses that make a habit of ignoring safety requirements may also make a habit of fighting any claims employees make to recover compensation for injuries.
It is important that you take every aspect of any injury you might suffer into account. Insurance companies or your employer may threaten you or offer you initial payments. They could use any number of strategies in order to persuade you to forfeit your rights or compromise your chances for full compensation.
Even if you only have a suspicion that you may not be getting a square deal, please seek specific legal guidance on the subject before you act. This article is only intended as general information. It is not a substitute for advice.