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H.L Rick Cromartie the third

Car accident with multiple vehicles leaves man fighting for life

On Behalf of | Sep 4, 2020 | Car accidents

A car crash of any kind can have a negative impact on a person’s life. When it involves multiple vehicles, as with a recent car accident here in Georgia, it often results in serious injury. The crash in question is still under investigation, but police say an 84-year-old man suffered life-threatening injuries and that a group of car enthusiasts may be implicated in the cause of the accident.

According to police, the crash happened early on a recent Sunday morning on a local roadway. A group of cars, whose owners are described as “car enthusiasts,” were driving west. They allegedly attempted to pass traffic in an area where that action is prohibited. Police say they do not know why the group may have tried this maneuver.

The cars in the process of passing allegedly struck the vehicle of an older man who was driving in the opposite direction. Officials say that other cars were affected by this initial accident and more collisions occurred as a result. The man had to be taken to a nearby hospital for medical attention. His injuries are believed to be life-threatening. There is no word on whether anyone else was injured or if police intend to charge anyone involved with a crime.

Even if police do not file any charges, the man and his loved ones may have other recourse for justice. They could decide to file a personal injury lawsuit here in Georgia against anyone deemed at fault for the car accident. Doing so could result in monetary damages that could be useful in covering outstanding medical expenses. This may be a viable option for those who find themselves in a similar situation. An attorney with experience handling personal injury cases can help a family determine the best course of action.

