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Can you recognize daycare negligence?

On Behalf of | Oct 1, 2020 | Firm News

Nothing is more important to you than your children. Like all good parents in Georgia and beyond, you want what is best for them. Perhaps, making the decision to put them in daycare didn’t come easy for you. Like so many other parents, you would rather stay home to care for them every day. Most families come from dual income households nowadays, so you’re not alone in your struggle.

Parents who entrust their children to daycare providers should expect high quality care with safety as a top priority. Your children should be able to enjoy a variety of activities, including learning-based play depending on the type of facility you choose. What should never happen, however, is negligence. No child should suffer illness or injury because of substandard care in a daycare facility.

Issues of concern to keep in mind regarding daycare negligence

Like many parents, you likely put in hours of research before determining which daycare center would be the best fit for your family. You no doubt made several in person visits to various facilities as well. Once you enroll your child in a particular program, it’s always a good idea to keep close watch to make sure everything is going well. The following list includes questions of importance that you’ll want to keep in mind:

  • Is the daycare center your child attends neat and clean?
  • Does the center comply with state regulations for adult/child ratios?
  • Are staff members well-compensated for their work?
  • Is all electrical equipment in compliance with state codes?
  • Do the children at the center typically appear at ease and comfortable there?
  • Have you ever noticed safety hazards at your child’s daycare facility?
  • Has your child ever come home with an unexplained injury?
  • Have you ever been dissatisfied or suspicious of an explanation that staff members have given regarding an injury or incident during your child’s stay at the center?

In addition to these issues, it’s also important to keep an eye on outdoor surroundings at your child’s daycare center. Are ground surfaces and play equipment safe and well-maintained? Is the food at the facility fresh and healthy?

Addressing concerns

You pay workers to provide high quality care for your child. If your child complains of hunger all the time or that a particular staff member is mean or scary, it’s definitely a reason to further investigate the matter. Daycare negligence is something no Georgia family should ever have to encounter. If you suspect your child has been a victim of such negligence, you can reach out for immediate support to address the issue and to make sure those responsible are held accountable for their actions.


