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Teen dies in crash with wrong-way driver

On Behalf of | Feb 14, 2021 | Car accidents

Any kind of fatal car crash is a tragedy, but when it involves the death of a young person, it can seem all the more devastating. One Georgia community is reeling after a motor vehicle accident involving a wrong-way driver reportedly took the life of a teen girl. Police say they have reason to believe that the accused driver should never have been behind the wheel of the car. 

A life taken too soon 

According to authorities, the crash happened on a recent late Sunday evening. A sports car traveling on a local highway was allegedly struck by a luxury vehicle traveling the wrong way in the opposite direction. A deputy reports seeing the car and attempting to stop it, unsuccessfully, before the crash occurred.  

The drivers of both vehicles had to be rushed to a nearby hospital for treatment of serious injuries. A 13-year-old girl who was a passenger in the sports car unfortunately did not survive the crash. The girl’s community is saddened by the loss of someone so young, and officials at the girl’s school say they are providing counseling services for anyone who should need it. 

The legal ramifications after a fatal crash 

Police say that they have reason to believe that the driver of the luxury vehicle was intoxicated at the time of the crash. They have not disclosed how they reached that conclusion, though they say she will be charged with DUI, homicide by vehicle and several other crimes. There is no word on her current medical status or when those charges will be officially filed. 

No matter what the outcome of any of these criminal charges may be, the family of the girl who died may decide to file a civil claim. They could pursue a wrongful death claim against any parties deemed responsible for this motor vehicle accident. This is an option available to other Georgia families in a similar situation and a personal injury attorney can explain in greater detail what that may involve. 

