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The various reasons for an elder abuse claim in Georgia

On Behalf of | May 5, 2016 | Nursing Home Neglect

When Georgia residents think of elder abuse, they probably envision a particularly evil individual who beats or otherwise mistreats an elderly resident of a nursing home. While that would certainly fall within the category of elder abuse, there are many other ways that an elderly Georgia resident could be subject to abuse or neglect.

Beyond actual physical acts of violence toward an elderly person, there are acts of negligence that could result in harm or injury to an elderly resident of a nursing home or assisted living facility. For instance, if a member of the nursing home staff were to give a resident medication improperly, either in the wrong dosage or the wrong type of medication, such a medication error could result in immediate danger for the resident. The resident could have an adverse reaction that would require medical treatment or, in the worst-case scenarios, the resident could overdose resulting in death.

And, beyond affirmative acts, members of nursing home staff could harm a resident by omitting to do something that is within their sphere of responsibility. For instance, the staff could fail to feed a resident who is wholly dependent on others. Dehydration could also be another concern. Many people who reside in nursing homes are almost completely immobile — the failure to care for them properly could result in bedsores or other injuries that are a sign of neglect.

Elder abuse is a major problem throughout the country, and Georgia is no exception. At our law firm, we attempt to help those who have seen their elderly family members mistreated or abused in a nursing home or assisted living facility. For more information, please visit the nursing home abuse overview section of our law firm’s website.

