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H.L Rick Cromartie the third

Month: June 2019

What is the purpose of investigating a workplace accident?

If you have been hurt in an accident at your job in Georiga, you may be wondering what the purpose of an investigation is when you have already told what has happened and your story is supported by other witness statements. While it may seem counterproductive at first...

How business owners can prevent slips and falls

Business owners in Georgia have a responsibility to keep the inside and outside areas of the business free from anything that clients or employees can slip or trip on. When someone does fall and hurt themselves, the owner may be liable for injuries depending on the...

Losing a job and the risk of a car crash

Motor vehicle accidents may occur because a driver is under the influence, or they may happen as a result of speeding, ignoring signs and a lack of experience. Sometimes, there are certain stressors in life which can increase the likelihood of a crash, such as the...

Medication may be a problem at the nursing home

Even though few decisions are more heart-wrenching than choosing to place an elderly parent in a nursing home, relying on long-term care may be the best course of action for you and your loved one. Still, nursing homes are not perfect. Put simply, nursing home abuse...

