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H.L Rick Cromartie the third

Month: November 2014

What is the reasonable standard of care for nursing homes?

Although they project the image of home and family in the many ads splashed across TV screens and billboards alike, nursing homes are a business. People pay the facilities money so that they will provide care for their residents. Because they are taking on the...

Car accidents: using the phone while driving in Georgia

Georgia driving is one of the more dangerous activities humans engage in on a nearly daily basis. While most people would disagree, driving is legally a privilege not a right and, as with any privilege, there are many rules and regulations that controls a person's...

Georgia family die after being rear-ended on highway

Not only are Georgia car accidents seemingly random, but so are their effects. A car can be completely mangled, but the driver walks away without a scratch. What appears to be nothing more than a fender bender, can result in years of pain and rehabilitation. A small...

Georgia collision between truck and car kills two

When on the road in Rome and throughout Georgia, drivers need to be vigilant of the presence of large trucks on the road. These vehicles are heavy, massive and can cause a significant amount of damage if there is a collision, especially if it is with a smaller...

