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H.L Rick Cromartie the third

Month: December 2016

Traumatic brain damage: A common workplace injury

When a person experiences a workplace accident that causes an unexpected and abrupt jolt to the head, they run the risk of developing a traumatic brain injury. The forceful impact can cause the soft brain tissue to smack into the hard bony skull, damaging the delicate...

Taking a look at drowsy driving

Each year, a shocking number of lives are claimed as a result of drunk driving, speeding and other dangerous behaviors that reckless drivers exhibit while behind the wheel. However, drowsy driving is another major auto accident risk and some people do not realize how...

CMS ratings for nursing homes

If you have an elderly relative who needs care beyond what you are able to provide in home, you are not alone. Many Georgia residents face this situation every day. While it can be a difficult and emotional decision to choose to move a parent or other loved one into a...

How can GA residents drive safely this winter?

Winter weather is at best a pain for drivers in Georgia, and a dangerous factor for serious accidents at worst. It may significantly help to know how to drive defensively in adverse weather. If you have inexperienced teenage drivers, you may also want to take some...

Holiday toys can cause safety concerns for parents

The holidays are a great source of joy for parents and children alike. The gifts we share with each other can provide for lasting memories of fun and family. Unfortunately, with the newest toys come new safety hazards parents have to worry about. Crowded toy shelves...

Minimize on-the-job risks and accidents

Some workers in Georgia have jobs that are accompanied by certain risks. This is especially true in industries like construction, or ones that deal with lifting large loads or working with heavy machinery. However, accidents can happen anywhere to anyone. Fortunately,...

