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H.L Rick Cromartie the third

Month: June 2014

Soldier injured in Georgia semi truck-motorcycle accident

The spring and summer months are a time of heightened motorcycle traffic in Georgia and throughout the country, and drivers of trucks and passenger vehicles should keep an eye out for riders. Too often, failure to see a motorcycle results in serious injuries.That may...

Head-on car wreck in east Georgia kills 4-year-old child

Reckless drivers place other motorists at risk every day in Georgia. Speeding and illegal lane changes are two of the most common reckless offenses, and those appear to have been factors in a recent tragedy that took a 4-year-old child's life.The fatal car wreck...

1 killed, 1 injured in a GA truck accident; driver charged

It isn't hard to understand why drivers of large commercial trucks are subject to safety regulations that don't necessarily apply to other drivers. The size, weight and speed of a tractor-trailer significantly increase the risk of a catastrophic accident. Still, truck...

Georgia crane truck accident kills man, truck driver arrested

Learning that your loved one has died in a truck accident is a horrible experience. When that accident was caused by a driver's negligence, the pain may be all the more severe. For one Georgia man's family, that horror became a reality when their loved one was killed...

