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The danger of distracted driving for teens in Georgia

On Behalf of | Jun 16, 2016 | Car accidents

Most of us remember the trials and tribulations of being a teenager. Whether it was 20 years ago or 50, most adults remember how impetuous and passion-driven we could be as a teenager. Now, most adults have other motivations in their lives beyond hanging out with friends and seeking approval from classmates and parents. But that doesn’t mean that we can all just forget what it is like to be a teenager – especially when it comes to driving and how it affects all of us on Georgia’s roadways.

Of all of the statistics that are available when it comes to traffic accidents, a recent article noted one in particular that should be a warning to everyone: drivers who are 15-years-old to 19-years-old are the group of drivers who are the most at risk of being involved in car accidents. These are young people who are just getting started in life, but a car accident could change the trajectory of their lives forever.

There are probably dozens of reasons for why this particular age group is the most at risk, but distracted driving is no doubt among the top few reasons. Anyone in Georgia who encounters young people on a regular basis knows that they are seldom seen without their smartphones in hand, using “apps” or texting with friends and family. Everyone needs a little social interaction and entertainment, but these distractions should have no place in the hands of a teen driver.

Fortunately, the recent report noted that while apps and texting can be a significant problem for teen drivers, there are actually other apps that are designed to impede the use of distracting aspects of a smartphone while a car is in motion. The danger of distracted driving in Georgia is very real. And when an accident can’t be prevented by avoiding distractions, civil liability is quite possible.

Source: The Huffington Post, “Teens: Want to Use Apps While Driving? Just Don’t,” Sarah Caroline Bell, June 6, 2016

