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The long-term consequences of pedestrian accidents

On Behalf of | Apr 19, 2019 | Car accidents

Those who are involved in a pedestrian accident may struggle with a number of consequences that affect them right away, such as intense pain and an injury that may take away their ability to work or take part in activities they enjoy. The financial consequences may also be immediately evident, with high medical costs and lost wages. However, it is also important for victims of pedestrian accidents and their loved ones to be aware of some of the long-term consequences that they may encounter as a result of the accident.

Sometimes, those involved in a pedestrian accident develop deep mental trauma. This may take the form of depression, high levels of anxiety or anger. Moreover, some victims of pedestrian accidents develop post-traumatic stress disorder. Mental trauma may interfere with one’s job, leading to additional hardships, and it may also have a negative impact on relationships with loved ones. Moreover, some pedestrians suffer brain injuries in these accidents, which can take a long time to become evident.

Some people sustain an injury that will leave them permanently disabled, and there are other ways in which pedestrians may suffer years after the accident. As a result, it is essential for those who are involved in pedestrian accidents to carefully consider all of the potential difficulties they may face down the road, especially if they have decided to take legal action against a careless driver who caused the accident. You will find even more information related to pedestrian accidents by navigating through our website.

