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Car accident takes 1 life, injures 2 people

On Behalf of | Aug 12, 2020 | Car accidents

Any kind of car crash can cause devastation to the people involved. However, when a car accident leaves investigators and the victims’ loved ones with questions about what happened, the tragedy is often amplified. A recent collision here in Georgia has done just that, as police work to piece together what caused the crash that left one woman dead and two more people injured.

What authorities do know is that the accident happened on a recent afternoon on a state highway. An older couple driving in an SUV were heading home from Atlanta. The driver apparently attempted to turn from the highway onto a local road when, authorities report, their vehicle struck another SUV head-on.

The drivers of both vehicles were rushed to local hospitals for treatment. There is no update on either’s condition. The passenger in the first SUV — the wife of the driver –died at the scene of the crash.

Police have not announced which driver they believe is responsible for the collision. They also have not disclosed whether they intend to file any criminal charges in connection with this event. They may not have finished investigating exactly what happened and are waiting until all details are evident before making official announcements.

No matter what police find, a car accident like this one may result in civil litigation. Injured victims or the families of victims who die may decide to file a personal injury or wrongful death claim against any responsible parties. Doing so could result in the payment of monetary damages that may be useful in covering any expenses related to the crash. Georgia families who wonder if this option is available to them can reach out to an experienced attorney for guidance.

