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The most dangerous interstates in GA for trucking accidents

On Behalf of | Oct 13, 2023 | Truck Accidents

Semi-trucks are one of the most pressing safety concerns on the road. Even though the professionals driving these massive vehicles have extensive training, all it takes is a momentary lapse in judgment for them to cause crashes that can permanently alter the course of someone’s life.

A large number of the worst wrecks that occur every year take place on interstates, and that applies as much to commercial traffic as it does to standard passenger vehicles. Motorists driving at high speeds on an interstate with a semi-truck nearby will, very understandably, likely worry about their safety as a result of this reality. Yet, there are certain interstate locations where the chance of a crash with a semi-truck is even higher than usual.

High speeds and more traffic lead to greater risks

When looking at an analysis of where many semi-truck collisions occur, there are certain interstates that are far more dangerous than others. In general, highways and their on and off-ramps near major thoroughfares tend to see some of the highest crash rates in the state. Drivers are in a hurry at those locations, and the high volume of traffic also contributes to the overall likelihood of a wreck.

Commercial trucks often have to get on and off the highway. Commercial drivers want to take the fastest and most direct routes, which means that access points to highways can be particularly dangerous. I-20 is one of the most dangerous highways in America. It should come as no surprise that there are multiple points where people merge onto or off of I-20 that see a large number of crashes, including crashes with semi-trucks.

State Highway 4 is also particularly dangerous, with many severe and deadly crashes reported annually. Georgia Highways 316 and 11 have also seen some very serious semi-truck collisions. Interstate 285 in Atlanta, I-16, I-75 and I-85 also all report a number of major collisions in any given year, many of which have tragic consequences for others in traffic.

Drivers in passenger vehicles need to use interstates for expedience, just as commercial vehicles do. They have to accept a greater risk of being injured in a crash involving a truck than those in larger commercial vehicles do as the trade-off for convenient travel. Being able to identify risk factors and avoiding the most dangerous interstates, when possible, could help drivers better prioritize their safety on Georgia roads.

