Your Local Rome Attorneys
Serious Personal Injury? We can Help
H.L Rick Cromartie the third

Year: 2024

What makes a business liable for slip-and-fall injuries?

People can slip and fall in their own homes or while out for a jog. They can also fall and sustain injuries while running errands at a business. Slip-and-fall incidents can lead to minor bruises and scrapes in some cases.  Other times, they can lead to broken bones,...

Semi-truck brake issues: A common and potentially deadly danger

Truck accidents are among the most catastrophic events on the road, and brake malfunctions or failures are a common factor in these serious collisions. What should you know about the part that faulty brakes can play in deadly truck accidents? How dangerous are faulty...

Three types of distractions that cause collisions

Car accidents happen in the blink of an eye. Therefore, a momentary lapse in attention can lead to catastrophic consequences. As a responsible driver, it is essential to understand the dangers of driving distractions. This way, you can avoid collisions and contribute...

Elopement can lead to tragedy for nursing home residents

Getting people to stay in a nursing home isn't always an easy task. Some older adults truly hate living in nursing homes. They might spend weeks planning an escape because they don't accept that they need daily support. Others may have experienced cognitive decline...

Who’s to blame for injuries caused by uneven sidewalks?

Uneven sidewalks can slide out of position slowly over many seasons. Frequently, the incursion of tree roots can lead to one section of sidewalk becoming raised slowly when compared with surrounding areas. Other times, animal activity, age, improper installation and...

Potential impacts of trucking company policies on accident risks?

When a truck accident happens, it’s easy to blame the driver because they’re the ones who were operating the vehicle. However, in some circumstances, other factors at play may not be apparent at the time of the accident. While most motor vehicle accidents may be...

Can transportation companies prevent underride crashes?

Collisions between passenger vehicles and commercial trucks often result in tragic outcomes. Smaller vehicles involved in such collisions may incur substantial damage, and occupants of those vehicles could experience life-altering injuries. Some of the worst...

3 driving habits that increase pedestrian crash risk

Motorists frequently act as though they own the roads. They may resent the obligation to remember secondary sets of traffic rules related to other forms of transportation. They may find the perceived inconvenience of yielding to a pedestrian in a crosswalk to be a...

Why filing a wrongful death claim is important

Filing a wrongful death claim is one that families often approach with a mix of sorrow, anger and hesitation. It's a step taken under the most tragic circumstances—when a loved one has died due to the negligence or wrongful act of another.  In the aftermath of tragic...

3 signs of nursing home abuse and neglect

Nursing home abuse and neglect are serious issues that can’t be overlooked. It’s critical for anyone who has a loved one in a nursing home to watch carefully so they can spot signs if something is amiss. If you have a loved one in a nursing home and notice any of...

