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nursing home abuse and neglect

Male nurse gives up license following sexual assault arrest

It is not only Georgia's elderly who are at risk of neglect or abuse in long-term nursing facilities. A 29-year-old resident of such a facility in Arizona had been in a long-term vegetative state for years when she unexpectedly gave birth to a baby last December,...

Is sexual assault a growing problem in nursing homes?

Every year, many Georgia residents are placed in nursing homes. The expectation is that seniors will live in a safe environment, where they have immediate access to proper medical attention and can enjoy the company of others their own age. However, one recent case of...

What are nursing home residents’ rights?

Your loved one should not suffer indignities or lose freedoms or privileges just because he or she is making the transition to a Georgia nursing home. In fact, the Georgia Department of Community Health specifically identifies the protections every nursing home...

Signs of potential neglect or abuse in a nursing home

If you have an elderly relative living in a nursing home in Georgia, you will know all too well the importance of knowing that they are being well taken care of. Numerous families make the decision every day to move a parent, grandparent or other family member into a...

Identifying the professionals responsible for nursing home care

When families are searching for a reputable nursing home facility in Georgia, they often spend considerable time comparing their options to select one that will be the most applicable fit for their loved one. Often, this requires them to compare similarities and...

Nursing home sued over resident’s fatal fall

Those who entrust the care of their loved ones to nursing homes in Rome do so with the expectation that the staffs of such facilities are willing and equipped to provide the type of monitored and consistent care they themselves cannot. If concerns exist about a...

Scabies infestations put nursing home residents in danger

As other states do, Georgia has a regulatory agency that provides oversight to nursing home facilities. Such agencies should investigate reports of hazards and safety violations and ensure that these are corrected. According to the Washington Post, the Georgia...

Why is fall risk so high in nursing homes?

As you age, your body becomes frailer, no matter how healthy your lifestyle, and for many seniors in Georgia, this leads to a fall. The risk isn't the same for every senior, though.In fact, according to Managed Health Care Connect, people 65 and older who live in...

Is your loved one suffering harassment in a nursing home?

Nursing home living in Georgia should be a positive experience for your loved one. Medical, physical and emotional support should be available to help him or her live the best life possible during the golden years. Unfortunately, for many, this is not what...

Why is nursing home staffing so important?

Your loved one needs long-term care because of mobility or health issues, and you may assume that the Georgia nursing home staff will provide that assistance. However, this is not necessarily the case, particularly if he or she needs a significant amount of staff...

