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H.L Rick Cromartie the third

workers’ compensation

OSHA refines how agency collects data about amputation injuries

The machinery within manufacturing facilities in Georgia frequently has the potential to injure workers seriously. Inadequate machine guards and poor maintenance heighten the risk that workers could suffer injuries that cause amputations or death. The Occupational...

Media investigation exposes Amazon warehouse accident cover-up

Online retailer Amazon has been harshly criticized in recent years for providing its warehouse workers in Georgia and around the country with unsafe conditions. The Seattle-based company has repeatedly denied allegations that it concealed workplace injuries and...

A look at how exoskeletons could revolutionize workplace safety

Reducing the chances that workers will be injured at work is something that many companies in Georgia have as a priority. Preventing injuries from happening is a combined effort of both employers and their employees that can be achieved through training, adherence to...

Do employers have to pay workers comp?

Federal law requires most employers in Georgia to carry workers' compensation insurance. Because of this, you may not need to engage in lengthy negotiations or go to trial over an accident at work. However, it is important to take serious injuries on a case-by-case...

When you can legally sue your employer for an injury

If you have received a substantial injury at your workplace in Georgia, the long-term effects could affect everything from your ability to work in the future to your ability to accomplish daily activities the way you had before. At , we...

Being supportive during an OSHA investigation

When there has been an accident on business property in Georgia, depending on the industry, who is involved and the severity of the accident, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration could get involved. Their own, independent accident investigation may help...

What is the purpose of investigating a workplace accident?

If you have been hurt in an accident at your job in Georiga, you may be wondering what the purpose of an investigation is when you have already told what has happened and your story is supported by other witness statements. While it may seem counterproductive at first...

The long-term effects of lung disease

Georgia workers who experience long-term exposure to irritants in the workplace may get one of any number of occupational lung diseases. Tiny particles in the air at factories, mining facilities, construction sites and farms are the most hazardous as the body absorbs...

Are employees required to wear protective footwear?

When it comes to workplace accidents, many different hazards threaten the lives and safety of workers across many fields. In this post, we will look into footwear, which can help protect workers who may be exposed to various hazards. In some instances, workers may be...

How do I file a workers’ compensation claim?

If you have been injured or became sick on the job in Georgia, you are probably now considering your options. One of the top questions you will be faced with is how to file a workers’ compensation claim.According to, workers’ compensation may provide you...

